Biodiversity and Ecology of Mosses in Northeastern Algeria: Case of the Watershed Tonga

Numéro de la revue: 35
Auteurs: Amel Boukhatem 1 Mohamed Benslama 1 & Djamila Abed-Belouahem2

1Research Laboratory: Soil and Sustainable Development, Science Faculty, Badji Mokhtar University BP 12, Annaba, 23000, Algeria.

2National Institute of Forest Research, Oum Teboul Station (El Kala), El-Taref, 36 000, Algeria.


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The national park of El-Kala is located in the extreme North-east of Algeria. It holds a set of natural ecosystems from the maritime aquatic to the forests, passing by the aquatic lacustrine type. The Tonga lake watershed is a part of this set of landscape. Taking into account the diversity of bryophytes and the remoteness of the various sources of pollution, twenty-six stations from different forestal formations were the subject of our study. The inventory revealed one hundred fifty-three mosses species. From a morphological point of view, the listed taxa are divided into one hundred seven acrocarpous (sporophytes located at the tops of the branches of the stem) species and forty-six pleurocarpous (Sporophytes develop laterally to the stems)species, while from a systematic point of view, with twenty-nine families, We can then deduce that the watershed of Lake Tonga is rich in bryophytes.

Key words: Mosses– Inventory – Watershed -Tonga Lake – North-east of Algeria.